
We Work for You!

Services to Optimize Your Retirement Plan

We provide everything necessary to establish and maintain a successful retirement plan. Our services include:

Partnerships with Industry-Leading Providers

InWest and its partners deliver state-of-the-industry services to you and your plan participants. Click here to learn more about our Partners.

Responsive Administration

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of dealing with an indifferent plan administrator who isn’t responsive, InWest is the solution. Our experienced team works closely with you to meet your day-to-day administrative needs, freeing you to run your business.

Plan Expense Benchmarking

InWest can assist you with benchmarking plan expenses. Plan fees impact participant outcomes and have been the focus of regulators and plaintiff attorneys. Plan fiduciaries must ensure plan expenses are reasonable. This is most effectively done by benchmarking fees for the services rendered against other plans of similar size by plan assets or participant count.

Valuable Resources for Employers

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